Camilla Cravero

Professional experience
Graduated in Business Administration and Management at Milano Bocconi University, she is member of the Association of Chartered Accountants of Milan and enrolled in the Register of Statutory Auditors.
She gained specific experience on tax and corporate law, on Corporate Governance issues and on the administrative liability of entities, both in the implementation of Organizational Models pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001 for the prevention of crimes and in their application.
She also provides consultancy services to families and family businesses in the asset planning and protection, with a specific focus on generational transitions.
She serves as director and member of Supervisory Boards in various companies, some of which are multinationals.

She attended the training course ‘TEB - The Effective Board’ promoted by AIDC and NedCommunity and she is member of the AOdV – Association of the members of the Supervisory Boards.

Compliance 231, Tax Planning, Private Clients

Italian, English
